March 15, 2024 was Health Day at Korrodin once again.

This time, the topic was stress.
We also offered a lung volume test.

There were one or two surprises… For example, participants discovered that you don’t have to be physically tall to have an enormous lung volume and that your own perception of stress can be completely wrong.

Health Day is a very popular way of promoting employee health. It allows us to reach many employees and raise their awareness about a specific topic.

We’re already looking forward to the next round, which is planned for October 25, 2024. Planned topics: back and spine health, balance boards, flash relaxation

In the best case scenario, employees look forward to this day well in advance.

But how can this be achieved?

  • The solution is the right dose of continuity and variety.


In other words, Health Day has to take place every year, because one event doesn’t change anyone’s behavior.

Participants always want to try something new.

You don’t have to completely reinvent yourself, but it shouldn’t be boring either.

Several steps are required to organize a Health Day:

1. Analysis
It is essential to ask: “What are employees interested in?”
– Questionnaires are helpful

Selecting the right topics (there are an infinite number to choose from)
– Presentations
– Workshops
– Cooking classes

– Nordic walking
– Yoga
– QiGong

– Presentation
– Workshops for reducing stress
– Meditation

– Hearing screening
(Vision tests are part of our standard program and are offered at regular
intervals by the company doctor.)
Back health:
– Presentation on ergonomic working
– Fascia exercises
– Spinal screening
– Exercise classes

Weight loss:
– Cooking classes
– Nutrition coaching
– Sports units
– Sugar => addictive factor

Addictive factors:
– Tobacco
– Sugar

2. Finding a partner
– Discussions with various health insurance companies
– Specialists from the region
– Internet research

3. Invitation
– Communication is everything here
– Communicate in good time
– By email / by notice board / via the monitors

4. Implementation
– Enough lead time to set up the individual stations
– Helpful labels on the rooms ensure clarity
– Punctuality is required here, to avoid getting everything mixed up
– “Get involved” – no defensive attitude
– Good humor
– Look for potential for improvement

The topic of health is important!

Regular Health Days make perfect sense!